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December 14-15 - Empirical Management Conference, IFC, USA, Keynote presentation "The Natural Laws of

Management", slides, video


December 3 - UCL Stone Centre, London: Workshop on Economic dynamism and distributive justice, "Innovation and

investment inequality", slides


November 14 - University of Michigan, USA: Labor and Public Finance Seminar, "The Impact of Regulation on

Innovation", slides


November 7 - Tel Aviv University, Israel: Applied Economics Seminar, "FDI and Superstar Spillovers: Evidence from

Firm-to-Firm Transactions", slides


October 26 - DG COMP, European Commission, Brussels: Economic Seminar, "The Rise of Superstar Firms: Causes

and Consequences", slides


October 25 - LSE Economics Society Sen Club, London, "Have Productivity and Pay Decoupled in the UK?", slides


October 5 - Harvard Kennedy School, USA: Reimagining the Economy Project - Workshop on Firm Support

Policies, "Reimagining the Economy: Harvard Kennedy School Discussion", slides


September 30 - University of Oklahoma, USA: Applied Microeconomics Seminar, "The impact of Regulation on

Innovation", slides


September 21 - LSE Environment Week, London, Public Lecture 'Ray of Hope? Innovation and the Climate Crisis',

"The Case for Growth: Threats, Opportunities and Climate Change", slides


September 13-15 - Presentation in Sweden:

- Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), "The Impact of Regulation on Innovation", slides

- Centre for Business and Policy Studies (SNS), "The Case for Growth: Threats, Opportunities and Climate

Change", slides

- Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Department of Economics, "OPENing up Military Innovation: Causal

Effects of Reforms to U.S. Defense Research", slides


August 25 - EEA-ESEM 2022 Congress, Bocconi University, Milan, "The Case for Growth: Threats and Opportunities"

(slides) and "Do tax incentives for research increase firm innovation? An RD Design for R&D" (slides)


July 21 - NBER "Innovation Research Boot Camp, Summer 2022", Boston, Lectures on "The Economics of Innovation

Policy", (slides: The Economics of Innovation Policy: SyllabusInnovation Policies II: IntroductionInnovation Policies: R&D SpilloversR&D Tax CreditsGeneral Taxation and Innovation PoliciesDirect R&D SubsidiesInnovation and Human Capital Policy)


July 8 - Annual Conference of the OECD Global Forum on Productivity (GFP) 2022, Keynote speech "The Case for

Growth: Threats and Opportunities", slides


June 28 - EU Joint Research Centre, Italy, "OPENing up Military Innovation: An Evaluation of Reforms to the U.S. Air

Force SBIR Program", slides


June 20 - Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), Germany, "The Impact of Regulation on Innovation", slides


June 17 - University of Kent, "The Impact of Labour Regulation on Innovation", paper


June 16 - NYU-LMU Panel on "Superstar Firms and Innovation", video


June 10 - CEPR Annual Symposium in Labour Economics 2022, Keynote lecture "Inequalities among firms: Implications

for Labour Markets", slides


May 28 - LSE CEP/Becker Friedman Institute (UChicago): The Chicago/LSE Crime Conference 2022, "Policing and

management", slidesNBER WP 29851


May 26 - UCL Stone Wealth Inequality Centre Launch, "The Future isn't what is used to be", slides, video


May 25 - British Academy Conference on Inequalities in the 21st Century: the IFS Deaton Review, London, "Deaton

Review: Firms and Inequality", slides


May 19 - University of Chicago: Coase Conference on Innovation and Environment, Panel on "Global Diffusion of Solar

Power and the Role of China", slides


May 5 - ZEW Public Finance Conference, Mannheim, Keynote "The Case for Growth: Innovation and Diffusion Policies",



April 29 - The Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy, Bergen, Norway, Keynote "Inequality and Superstar Firms", slides


April 27 - Bundesbank Research Seminar, Germany, "The aggregate consequences of default risk: evidence from firm-

level data", slides


March 25 - Nova School of Business and Economics' Finance Seminar, Portugal, "OPENing up Military Innovation:

Causal effects of Reforms to U.S. Defense Research", slides


March 24 - British Academy Conference on Technology and the Future of Labour: Historical and Contemporary 

        Perspectives, "Technology, Labour Markets and Firms", slides


March 15 - LSE/Labour UK/CEA/The Resolution Foundation webinar, "Bidenomics: Lessons for the UK", video


March 11 - NBER Labor Studies Discussion of: “Why Do Larger Firms have Lower Labor Shares?” by de Frahan, 

Lamadon, Meling and Mogstad, slides


March 4 - LSE Economy 2030 Inquiry Workshop, "Economy 2030: Firms", slides


March 3 - IFS Seminar on Firms, market power, innovation and inequality, "Deaton Review: Firms and Inequality", slides


February 3 - Department of Management and Technology, Bocconi University, “OPENing up Military Innovation: Causal

effects of Reforms to U.S. Defense Research”, slides


January 27 - Policy Unit @ No. 10, London, "Policies to Raise Pay and Productivity: Innovation and Diffusion", slides


January 14 - 15th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse, "The Rise of Superstar Firms: Causes and Consequences",

slides, video 


January 7 - American Economic Association Conference, USA, "FDI and Superstar Spillovers: Evidence from Firm-to-

Firm Transactions", slides


January 7 - American Economic Association Conference, USA, "Management and Misallocation Evidence from

Mexican Firms", slides

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