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All publications


“Superstar Spillovers: Evidence from firm-to-firm transactions” (with Mary Amiti, Cedric Duprez and Joep Konings) NBER

slides ungated NYFed Vox Centreprice, forthcoming, Journal of International Economics

“Market Power, Product Market Power and Wages”, Econometrica Vol 92(3) 643-646 ungated

“Firms and Inequality” (with Jan de Loecker and Tim Obermeier), Oxford Open Economics Vol 3(1) i962-i982 

blog ungated video


"Embedding green industrial policy in a growth strategy for the UK" (with Anna Valero) IPPR Progressive Review 30(3) 175-


“Come Together: Integration, Delegation and Management” (with Laura Alfaro, Nick Bloom, Paolo Conconi, Harald Fadinger,

Patrick Legros, Andy Newman, Raffaella Sadun), Journal of the European Economic Association 22(1) 34-72 Discussion Paper


“The Intellectual Spoils of War: Defence R&D, Productivity and Spillovers” (with Enrico Moretti and Claudia Steinwender)  VoxThe Review of Economics and Statistics 1-46

“Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France -  A Discussion and some Extensions” (with

Luis Garicano and Claire Lelarge), Discussion paper

“The Impact of Regulation on Innovation” (with Philippe Aghion and Antoine Bergeaud). Forthcoming, American Economic

Review, slidesungated, Vox (video), CEP, NBERIDECato

“Do Fiscal Incentives increase innovation? An RD Design for R&D” (with Antoine Dechezlepretre, Elias Einio, Ralf Martin,

Kieu-Trang Nguyen). Forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Policyungated, Vox, video


“The Intellectual Spoils of War: Defense R&D, Productivity and Spillovers” (with Enrico Moretti and Claudia Steinwender),

Forthcoming, Review of Economics and StatisticsungatedVox


“The Role of State Policy in Fostering Health Information Exchange in the United States” (with Ari Bronsoler, Joe Doyle and

Cason Schmitt), New England Journal of Medicine: Catalyst 4(1) 1-16, lead article, appendix   


“The impact of Healthcare IT on clinical quality, productivity and workers” (with Ari Bronsoler and Joe Doyle), ungatedNBER

Annual Review of Economics 14: 23-46

“A Policy Toolkit to Increase Research and Innovation in the European Union” (with Andreas Teichgräber),

Science, Research and Innovation Performance


“Have Productivity and Pay Decoupled in the UK?” (with Andreas Teichgräber), ungated, forthcoming International

Productivity Monitor, video, blog

“Turbulence, Firm Decentralization and Growth in Bad Times” (with Philippe Aghion, Nick Bloom, Brian Lucking and Raffaella

Sadun), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (1) 133-169, ungated, HBR

“Trapped Factors and China’s Impact on Global Growth” (with Nick Bloom, Paul Romer and Stephen Terry), The Economic

Journal 131(633) 156–191, Appendix, ungated

“The World Management Survey at 18” (with Daniela Scur, Raffaella Sadun, Renata Lemos and Nick Bloom), Oxford Review

of Economic Policy 37(2) 231–258, ungated


“Trade and Management" (with Nick Bloom, Kalina Manova and Zhihong Yu), Review of Economics and Statistics 103 (3):

443-460, ungated

“CEO Pay and the Rise of Relative Performance: A question of governance?” (with Brian Bell and Simone Pedemonte),

forthcoming Journal of the European Economic Associationungated, Guardian


“A Reply to Campbell and Mau” (with Nick Bloom and Mirko Draca), The Review of Economic Studies, 88(5) 2560-2563 Data



“The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms” (with David Autor, David Dorn, Larry Katz and Christina

Patterson), Quarterly Journal of Economics 135(2) 645-709, HBR Blog, Video, New York Times, VoxTalks, Economist, Wall Street Journal, VoxEU (video), Economist, NPR

“Are ideas becoming harder to find?” (with Nick Bloom, Chad Jones and Michael Webb), American Economic Review (2020)

110(4): 1104–1144, ungated, Data, Vox, Economist, Freakonomics, Fortune Sloan Economist

“Have R&D spillovers declined in the 21st century?” (with Brian Lucking and Nick Bloom), Fiscal Studies 40 (4) 561-590,



“Healthy Business? Managerial Education and Management in Healthcare” (with Nick Bloom, Renata Lemos and Raffaella

Sadun), Review of Economics and Statistics 2(3) 506-517, ungated



“Who Becomes an Inventor in America? The Importance of Exposure to Innovation” (with Alex Bell, Raj Chetty, Xavier Jaravel

and Neviana Petkova), Quarterly Journal of Economics (2019)134(2) 647–713, ungated, Data, New York Times, Vox, Atlantic, Fortune, ConversationVoxUS, Economist, VC, Centrepiece, INET

“The Price Ain’t Right? Hospital prices and health spending on the privately insured” (with Zack Cooper, Stuart Craig and

Marty Gaynor), Quarterly Journal of Economics (2019) 134 (1), 51–107, ungatedMerger Data, New York Times, New Yorker, MarketPlace, NIHCM Award winner


“What drives differences in management?” (with Nick Bloom, Erik Brynjolfsson, Lucia Foster, Ron Jarmin, Megha Patnaik and

Itay Saporta-Eksten), American Economic Review (2019) 109(5) 1648–1683, ungatedVox

“Some causal effects of an industrial policy” (with Chiara Criscuolo, Ralf Martin and Henry Overman), American Economic

Review (2019) 109(1) 48-85, ungatedVox

“A Toolkit of Policies to promote Innovation” (with Nick Bloom and Heidi Williams), Journal of Economic Perspectives 33(3)

163–184, ungated


“Do Tax Cuts Produce More Einsteins? The Impacts of Financial Incentives vs. Exposure to Innovation on the Supply of

Inventors” (with Alex Bell, Raj Chetty, Xavier Jaravel and Neviana Petkova), Journal of the European Economic Association 17(3) 651–677, ungated 


“Can helping the sick hurt the able?” (with Felix Koenig, Barbara Petrongolo and Nitika Bagaria), Economic Journal 129 (624),

3189–3218, ungatedOUP


“Hospital Prices Grew Substantially Faster than physician prices from 2007 to 2014” (with Zack Cooper, Stuart Craig, Marty

Gaynor, Nir Harish and Harlan Krumholz), Health Affairs (2019) 38(2) 184-189


Variation in Health Spending Growth for the Privately Insured from 2007 to 2014” (with Zack Cooper, Stuart Craig and Marty

Gaynor), Health Affairs (2019) 38(2) 230-236


“The Economic Impact of Universities: Evidence from Across the Globe” (with Anna Valero), Economics of Education Review

(2019), 68 53-67, ungatedVox



“The Incentives of a monopolist to degrade interoperability’’ (with Christos Genakos and Kai Uwe Kuhn), Economica 85, 873–

902, ungatedCentrepiece


“Management Practices, Workforce Selection and Productivity” (with Stefan Bender, Nick Bloom, David Card and Stefanie

Wolter), Journal of Labor Economics 36(S1) 371–409, ungated


“The Costs and Benefits of Brexit” (with Swati Dhingra, Hanwei Huang, Gianmarco Ottaviani, Joao Pessoa, and Tom

Sampson), Economic Policy 32(92) 651–705, ungatedVox

“Brexit’s long-run effects on the UK economy”, Brooking Papers on Economic Activity Fall 367-383, ungated 


“The impact of the diffusion of a financial innovation on company performance: an analysis of SWIFT” (with Susan Scott and

Markos Zachariadis), Research Policy 46, 984-1004, ungated


“Concentrating on the fall of the Labor Share” (with David Autor, David Dorn, Larry Katz and Christina Patterson, American

Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 107(5):180–185, ungated, WSJ


“Why Do We Undervalue Competent Management” (with RaffaellaSadunand Nick Bloom), Harvard Business Review,

 September-October, winner of HBR-McKinsey Prize for best article of the year interview reprinted in HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2019



“Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France” (with Luis Garicano and Claire Lelarge),

American Economic Review 106(11) 3439-79, ungatedNew York Times, Economist, Micro-Insights


“Carbon Taxes, Path Dependency and Directed Technical Change: Evidence from the Auto Industry” (with Philippe Aghion,

Antoine Dechezlepetre, David Hemous and Ralf Martin), Journal of Political Economy 124(1) 1-51, ungated


“Trade induced technical change? The impact of Chinese imports on Innovation, IT and Productivity” (with Nick Bloom and

Mirko Draca), Review of Economic Studies (2016) 83(1): 87-117, ungated, Vox Update


“Spillovers in Space: Does Geography Matter?” with  Sergey Lychagin , Joris Pinkse and Margaret Slade, Journal of Industrial

Economics 64(2) 295-335, ungated, Wiley 

“International Data on Measuring Management Practices” (with Bloom, Nicholas, Renata Lemos, Raffaella Sadun, Daniela

Scur and John Van Reenen) (2016), American Economic Review Papers ad Proceedings, ungated  



“The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public hospitals” (with Nick Bloom, Carol Propper and

Stephan Seiler), Review of Economic Studies (2015) 82: 457-489, ungated, OUP  

“Does Management Matter in Schools?” (with Nick Bloom, Renata Lemos and Raffaella Sadun), Economic Journal (2015)125

(584) 647 - 674, ungated, Wiley  Vox

“Do Private Equity Owned Firms have better management practices?” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun), American

Economic Review Papers and Proceedings (2015) 105(5): 442–446


“The new empirical economics of management” with (Nick Bloom, Renata Lemos, Raffaella Sadun and Daniella Scur),

Journal of the European Economic Association (2014) 12: 835–76, ungated

“The distinct effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on firm organization” (with Nick Bloom, Luis

Garicano and Raffaella Sadun), Management Science (2014) 60(12) 2259-2885, ungatedVox


“Has ICT Polarized Skill Demand? Evidence from Eleven Countries over 25 Years” (with Guy Michaels and Ashwini Natraj),

Review of Economics and Statistics (2014) 96(1) 60–77, ungated


“Incomplete contracts and the internal organization of firms” (with Philippe Aghion and Nick Bloom), Journal of Law,

Economics and Organization (2014) 30(1), 37-64, ungated


“The UK Productivity and Jobs Puzzle: Does the Answer Lie in Wage Flexibility?” (with Joao Pessoa), Economic Journal

(2014), 124, 433-452, ungatedVox


“Bankers’ pay and extreme wage inequality in the UK” (with Brian Bell), Economic Journal (2014) 124 (574) F1–F387,



“What are the Channels for Technology Sourcing? Panel Data Evidence from German Companies” (with Dietmar Harhoff and

Elisabeth Mueller), Journal of Economics, Management and Strategy (2014) 23(1), 204- 224, Wiley

“Why management matters for productivity” (with John Dowdy), McKinsey Quarterly (2014) 3: 147-150, ungated



“Technology Spillovers and Product Market rivalry” (with Nick Bloom and Mark Schankerman), Econometrica (2013) 81 (4)

1347–1393, ungated  


“Innovation and Institutional Ownership” (with Philippe Aghion and Luigi Zingales), American Economic Review (2013)

103(1): 277–304, ungatedEconomist


“UK Productivity under Labour”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2013) 29 (1): 113-141, ungated


“Investing for Prosperity: Skills, infrastructure and innovation” (with Tim Besley and Miguel Coelho), National Institute

Economic Review (2013) May R1-R13, ungated, GCVox


“Extreme wage inequality: Pay at the very top” (with Brian Bell), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings (2013)

103(3): 153–157, ungated 


“A Trapped Factors Model of Innovation: short version” (with Nick Bloom, Paul Romer and Stephen Terry) American Economic

Review Papers and Proceedings (2013) 103(3): 208-13, ungated



“The organization of firms across countries” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun). Quarterly Journal of Economics (2012)

127(4): 1663-1705, ungated 

“Americans Do I.T Better: US multinationals and the productivity miracle” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun), American

Economic Review (2012) 102 (1), 167-201, ungatedVox


“How three essential practices can address even the most complex global problems” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun)

Harvard Business Review (2012), November, 77-82, ungated, “Winning Ideas” Prize for CMI Management Articles of the Year (2015)

“The land that Lean manufacturing forgot? Management practices in transition countries” (with Nicholas Bloom and Helena

Schweiger), Economics of Transition (2012), 20(4), 569-785, ungated

“Fiscal Consolidation During a Depression” (with Nitika Bagaria and Dawn Holland) National Institute Economic Review

(2012) 221 (July) 38-50, ungated

“Privatization, Entry Regulation and the decline of labour’s share of GDP: A cross country analysis of the network industries”

(with Ghazala Azmat and Alan Manning). Economica (2012), 79(315) 470-492, ungated


“UK Economic Performance under Labour” (with Dan Corry and Anna Valero), Renewal (2012), 20(1) 56-69, ungated


“Management Practices across firms and countries” (with Nick Bloom, Christos Genakos and Raffaella Sadun), Academy of

Management Perspectives (2012) 26 (1) 12-33, ungated



“The Impact of the National Minimum Wage on firm profitability” (with Mirko Draca and Steve Machin). American Economic

Journal: Applied Economics (2011) 3(1) 129-51, ungated


“Wage Inequality, Technology and Trade: 21st Century evidence”, Labour Economics (2011) 18(6) 730-741, ungated


“Is distance dying at last? Falling Home bias in fixed effects models of patent citations” (with Simon Lee and Rachel Griffith),

Quantitative Economics, (2011) 2, 211-249, ungated


“Does competition raise productivity through improving management practices?”, International Journal of Industrial

Organization, (2011) 9(3), 306-317, ungated 


“Are Family Friendly Workplace Practices a valuable firm resource?” (with Nick Bloom and Toby Kretschmer). Strategic

Management Journal (2011) 32(4) 343-367, ungated 


“In Defense of Our Research on Competition in England’s National Health Service” (with Nicholas Bloom, Martin Gaynor,

Stephen Gibbons, Simon Jones, Alistair McGuire, Rodrigo Moreno-Serra, Carol Propper, John Van Reenen and Stephan Seiler). Lancet (2011), 278(9808): 2064-206, ungated



“Can Pay Regulation kill?  The impact of labor markets on hospital productivity” (with Carol Propper), Journal of Political

Economy (2010), 118(2), 222-273, ungated, IHEA Arrow Prize (awarded 2011) for best paper of the year


“The evolution of inequality in Productivity and Wages: Panel Data Evidence” (with Giulia Faggio and Kjell Salvanes).

Industrial and Corporate Change (2010) 19(6), 1919-1951, ungated


“Recent Advances in the empirics of organizational economics” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun), Annual Review of

Economics (2010) 2:105-37, ungated


“Why do Management Practices Differ across Firms and Countries? (with Nick Bloom), Journal of Economic Perspectives

(2010) 24(1) 203-224, ungated


“New approaches to measuring management and firm organization” (with Nick Bloom), American Economic Review Papers

and Proceedings (2010), 100, 105–109, ungated


“Does Product Market Competition Lead firms to decentralize?”  (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun), American Economic

Review Papers and Proceedings (2010) 100, 434-438, ungated



“What if Congress Doubled R&D spending on the physical sciences?” (with Richard Freeman), Innovation Policy and the

Economy (2009) Volume 9, 1-38. ungated 



Measuring and Explaining Management Practices in Italy” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun), Rivista di Politica

Economica, (2008) 98(2), 15-56.


“Technology, Information and the Decentralization of the Firm” (with Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Aghion, Claire Lelarge and

Fabrizzio Zilibotti), Quarterly Journal of Economics, (2007), 122 (4), 1759–1799, ungated 


“Measuring and Explaining Management practices across firms and nations” (with Nick Bloom), Quarterly Journal of

Economics (2007) 122(4), 1351–1408, ungated


“Uncertainty and Company Investment Dynamics: Empirical Evidence for UK firms” (with Nick Bloom and Steve

Bond), Review of Economic Studies (2007) 74, 391-415, ungated



“How special is the special relationship: Using the impact of US R&D spillovers on British firms as a test of technology

sourcing” (with Rupert Harrison and Rachel Griffith), American Economic Review (2006) 96(5) 1859-1875, ungated   


“The growth of network computing: Quality adjusted prices for network servers” (2006), Economic Journal 116, 29-44,


“Management Practices, work-life balance and productivity: A Review of recent evidence” (with Nick Bloom), Oxford Review

of Economic Policy (2006) 22(4) 457-481, ungated


“Training and Corporate Productivity: Evidence from a panel of UK industries” (with Howard Reed and Lorraine Dearden),

Oxford Bulletin of Economic and Social Research (2006), 68, 4, 397-421, ungated


“Union Recognition and Productivity” (with Jo Blanden and Steve Machin), British Journal of Industrial Relations (2006), 44(2)

169-190, ungated



“The internationalisation of public welfare policy” (with James Banks, Richard Disney and Alan Duncan), Economic Journal

(2005), 115(502) 62-81, ungated


“Investment, R&D and Financial Constraints in Britain and Germany” (with Steve Bond and Dietmar Harhoff), Annales

d'Economie et de Statistique (2005), 79/80, 435-462, ungated



“Evaluating the Employment Impact of a mandatory job search assistance programme” (with Richard Blundell, Monica Costa

Dias and Costas Meghir), Journal of the European Economics Association (2004) 2(4) 569-606, ungated. Lead Article and selected as one of the JEEA’s top “10 most impactful research” articles ever


“Mapping the Two Faces of R&D: Productivity Growth in a panel of OECD industries” (with Rachel Griffith and Stephen

Redding), Review of Economics and Statistics (2004) 86(4) 883-895, ungated



“R&D and absorptive Capacity: from theory to empirical evidence” (with Stephen Redding and Rachel Griffith), Scandinavian

Journal of Economics (2003) 105(1) 1-20, ungated


“Education and Economic Growth: A review of the literature” (with Barbara Sianesi), Journal of Economic Surveys (2003),

17(2), 157-200, ungated



“Do R&D Tax Credits Work? Evidence from an international panel of countries 1979 - 1997” (with Nicholas Bloom and Rachel

Griffith). Journal of Public Economics (2002) 85 1-31, ungated


“Patents, Real Options and Firm Performance” (with Nicholas Bloom), The Economic Journal (2002) 112, 478, C97-C116,


“Economic Issues for the U.K. Biotechnology industry”, New Genetics and Society (2002) 21, 2, 109-131, ungated



“Skill biased organisational change? Evidence from British and French establishments” (with Eve Caroli), Quarterly Journal of

Economics (2001) CXVI, No. 4, 1449-1492, ungated

“Export Market performance of OECD countries: an empirical examination of the role of cost competitiveness in an OECD

panel of industries” (with Andrew Glyn and Wendy Carlin, Economic Journal (2001) 110, 1-35, ungated


“The New Economy: Policy and Reality”, Fiscal Studies (2001) 22, 3, 307-336, ungated


“Measuring the cost effectiveness of an R&D tax credit for the UK” (with Rachel Griffith and Stephen Redding), Fiscal Studies

(2001) 22, 3, 375-399, ungated



“Fiscal Incentives for R&D: A New Review of the Evidence” (with Bronwyn Hall), Research Policy (2000) 29, 449-469, ungated



“Market share, market value and Innovation: Evidence from British Manufacturing Firms” (with Richard Blundell and Rachel

Griffith), Review of Economic Studies (1999) 66(3), 228, 529-554, ungated


“Another Nail in the Coffin? Or can the trade-based explanation of changing skill structures be resurrected?” (with Thibaut

Desjonqueres and Stephen Machin) (1999), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 101(4), 533-554, ungated


“Getting the unemployed back to work: the role of wage subsidies” (with Brian Bell and Richard Blundell), International Tax

and Public Finance (1999), 6, 339-360, ungated



“Technology and changes in the skill structure: Evidence from seven OECD countries” (with Stephen Machin), Quarterly

Journal of Economics (1998) 113 (4), 1215-1244, ungated


“The determination of R&D: Empirical evidence on the role of unions” (with Naercio Menezes-Filho and David Ulph),

European Economic Review (1998) 42, 3-5, 919-930, ungated

“Regulating Drug Prices: Where Do We Go from Here?” (with Nicholas Bloom). Fiscal Studies (1998) vol. 19 (3), 321-342,



“R&D and Union Bargaining: Evidence from British Companies and Establishments” (with Naercio Menezes-Filho and David

Ulph), Industrial and Labor Relations Review (1998) Vol. 52, No. 1, 45-63, ungated 


“Establishment level earnings, technology and the growth of inequality: evidence from Britain” (with Lucy Chennells),

Economics of Innovation and New Technology (1998), 5, 139-164, ungated



“Employment and Technological Innovation: Evidence from UK Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of Labor Economics (April

1997), 15, 2, 255-284, ungated


“Technical change and earnings in British establishments” (with Lucy Chennells), Economica (1997) 64, 587-604, ungated


“How Persistently Do Firms Innovate?” (with Paul Geroski and Chris Walters), Research Policy (1997) 26, 33-48, ungated


“Why Has Britain had slower R&D growth?”, Research Policy (1997) 26, 493-507



“The Creation and Capture of Economic Rents: Wages and Innovation in a Panel of UK Companies”, Quarterly Journal of

Economics (1996) 111(1), 195-226, ungated

“Market Imperfections and Employment” (with Paul Geroski and Paul Gregg), OECD Economic Studies (1996) 26, I, 117-156


“Job Creation, Technological Innovation and Adjustment Costs” (with Costas Meghir and Annette Ryan), Annales d'Economie

et de Statistique (1996), 41/42, 255-274



“Dynamic Count Data Models of Technological Innovation” (with Richard Blundell and Rachel Griffith), The Economic Journal

(1995) 105, 333-344, ungated


“Enterprise Restructuring in the transition; an analytical survey of the case study evidence from Central and Eastern Europe”

(with Wendy Carlin and Toby Wolfe), Economics of Transition (1995), 3, (4), 427-458, ungated


“Tax Incentives for R&D” (with Rachel Griffith and Daniel Sandler), Fiscal Studies (1995), 16, 2, 21-44



“The Profitability of Innovating firms” (with Stephen Machin and Paul Geroski), The RAND Journal of Economics (1993) 24 (2)

198-21, ungated


“Profit Margins and the Business Cycle: Evidence from UK Manufacturing Firms” (with Stephen Machin), Journal of Industrial

Economics (1993) XLI: 29-50, ungated


“The Economic Effects of Multi-Unionism: Some Evidence from WIRS” (with Stephen Machin and Mark Stewart), Scandinavian

Journal of Economics (1993) 95(3) 275-29, ungated

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