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John Van Reenen
Programme on Innovation and Diffusion, LSE

The cost of Brexit is likely to be more than double that of COVID – it must be delayed (22 October 2020, LSE)
Brexit: epitaph for a national trajectory now lost (31 January 2020, LSE)
The row over the Irish backstop reveals a lot about the contradictions of Brexit (12 September 2019, LSE)
Why no-deal Brexit is a battle for the soul of our nation (27 August 2019, LSE)
Resist, Rebel and Remain: the nation deserves and demands a second chance (7 December 2018, LSE)
The aftermath of the Brexit vote – the verdict from a derided expert (2 August 2016, LSE)
Leaving the European Union is likely to have a significant negative economic impact (21 May 2014, LSE)
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