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Press Conference Microphones

Keynote speeches


May 31 - 3rd International Festival of Economics, Turin: "Who owns knowledge?, Keynote


March 19 - National Bank of Belgium and CEPR, Workshop of Reaching Net-Zero: Electricity markets, carbon pricing

and firms'  responses, Keynote, "Ray of Hope? China and the rise of solar energy", slides 


January 11 - Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Research and Statistics Group, Keynote"Ray of Hope? China and the

rise of solar energy", slides 



July 28 - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES),

Keynote"Management and the Wealth of Nations", slides


June 28 - University of Nottingham, Symposium on Management, Innovation and Firm Performance, Keynote, "Management and the Wealth of Nations", slides


June 21 - HEC Paris: Conference on "Firm organization and capabilities", Keynote presentation, "America's missing

entrepreneurs", slides


June 16 - University of Manchester: Conference on "Productivity Revolutions: Past and Future", Keynote, "Management and the Wealth of Nations", slides


June 14 - World Bank: 1st Digitrans Project Retreat, Keynote, "Management and the Wealth of Nations",




December 14-15 - Empirical Management Conference, IFC, USA, Keynote, "The Natural Laws of

Management", slides, video


July 8 - 2022 Annual Conference of the OECD Global Forum on Productivity (GFP), Keynote, "The Case for

Growth: Threats and Opportunities", slides


June 10 - CEPR Annual Symposium in Labour Economics 2022, "Inequalities among firms: Implications for Labour

Markets", slides


May 5 - ZEW Public Finance Conference, Mannheim, Keynote,  "The Case for Growth: Innovation and Diffusion Policies",



April 29 - The Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy, Bergen, Norway, Keynote,  "Inequality and Superstar Firms", slides



October 14 - 10th CompNet Annual Conference (co-hosted by Banque de France), slides


September 14 - Dublin Economic Workshop, "Is it time to rethink Ireland’s economic model?", video


September 18 - ESCOE Annual Conference Keynote, “Finding the Measure of Management”


August 27 - Rotterdam, CAED Keynote, “Organizational Data for the COVID Era”



October 21 - Productivity Workshop, Santiago, Management and the Wealth of Nations


October 21 - CEPR Organizational and Entrepreneurship Economics, “Management and the Wealth of Nations”


September 26 - CEPR Economics Conference, London, Keynote "Management and the Wealth of Nations"


August 31 - Barcelona, EARIE Annual Conference, Keynote "Changes in Market Structure"


May 24 - LSE, “Industrial Policy”


January 30 - Zurich, “Future of Work”



November 19 - Bank of Portugal, article


November 16 - Bank of Italy, “Future of Work”


November 8 - OECD/BEIS, “Future of Work”


August - Jackson Hole, “Increasing Differences Between Firms: Market Power and the Macro-Economy”, 

discussion paper


June 18 - Banque de France/College de France Conference on Productivity, slides


June 13 - Lost Einsteins, IGL Annual Conference, Cambridge MA, programme


May 22-23 - University of Essex, Management, Technology and the Wealth of Nations, Lipsey Lectures



December 8 - Management and the Wealth of Nations, Empirical Management Conference, World Bank


August 25 - Jackson Hole, Globalization and the Economic Impact of Brexit,


August 21 - Schumpeter Lecture, European Economic Association, Lisbon, slides



November 18 - ADIA Global Investors Annual Conference Keynote, Abu Dubai


March - Plenary Panel on Brexit, Royal Economic Society Annual Conference



July 1 - CE2/Polish Economic Association Annual Conference



September 15 - CES-Ifo Economics of Education Keynote address, Munich, slides


February 28 - Richard Stone Lecture, Cambridge University



December 13 - Spanish Economic Association, Santander, keynote address


September 9 - Marcus Wallenberg Foundation Conference, Stockholm, slides


July 10 - Australasian Econometric Society Annual Meetings, Sydney


July 9 - Organizational Economics Workshop


May 30 - FBBVA Annual Lecture, Madrid


May 23 - “UK Productivity Puzzles” Bank of England Chief Economist’s Workshop, slides


April  - Royal Economic Society Conference Plenary on Growth Commission


January 4 - EEA/FBBVA Annual Lecture at American Economic Association, San Diego



October 5 - Family Business Network Annual Global conference


June 21 - European Society for Population Economics Keynote, "Wage Inequality, Skill Demand and Skill Supply:

Recent evidence", Berne, Switzerland, slides


April 26 - Irish Economic Association, Dublin, slides



November 22 - Esmee Fairburn Lecture, Lancaster University Management School 


October 10 - Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti Lecture, Milan, video  

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