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Policy reports, book chapters & reviews

"Management matters in an era of disruption" (with Nicholas Bloom, Renata Lemos, Olivia Marques, Raffaella Sadun,

Daniela Scur and Marcos Todeschini), POID Briefing Paper, 13 June 2024.

"Growth and productivity" (with Anna Valero), CEP Election Analysis, 12 June 2024.

"Boosting growth and productivity in the United Kingdom through investments in the sustainable economy" (with Esin Serin,

Nicholas Stern, Anna Valero, Bob Ward and Dimitri Zenghelis, LSE Policy Report, January 2024.

"Cracking the Productivity Code: An international comparison of UK productivity" (with Xuyi Yang), POID Special Report, 27

November 2023.

“Introduction to The Economics of Creative Destruction" (with Ufuk Akcigit), foreword


"Product Market Competition, Creative Destruction and Innovation” (with Rachel Griffith), Forthcoming, Economics of

Creative Destruction, ungatedslides

“Human Capital Innovation Policy” (2022), Innovation and Public Policy (eds Austan Goolsbee and Ben Jones), Chicago:

Chicago University Press 61-84, ungated


“Discussion of "Productivity and business dynamics through the lens of COVID-19"” (with Chiara Criscuolo) in ECB Forum

on Central Banking (2022), 194-199


"The Lost Einsteins” (2021) in Luis Garicano “Capitalism after COVID”, Centre for Economic Policy Research

“A major wave of UK business closures by April 2021? The scale of the problem and what can be done.” (with Peter

Lambert) 2021, Centre for Economic PerformanceHerald, Guardian, Independent, BBC

“Innovation Policies to Boost Productivity” (2020), Hamilton Policy Proposal 2020-13, webinar


“Independence of Technology and Work Systems” (2020), Baseline Memo of MIT Work of the Future (with Tom Kochan,

Susan Helper and Alex Kowalski)


“The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines”, Final Report of MIT Work of the Future


“Can Innovation Policy Restore Inclusive Prosperity in America?” (2019) Chapter 4 in Maintaining The Strength of American

Capitalism (eds), Economic Strategy Group

“Increasing Difference Between Firms: Market Power and the Macro Economy”, Changing Market Structures and

Implications for Monetary Policy, Kansas City Federal Reserve: Jackson Hole Symposium (2018) 19-65, ungatedWall

Street Journal, Bloomberg, FT, NYT, NPR


“Brexit and the Future of Globalization” (2017) in Fostering a Dynamic Global Economy, Kansas City Federal Reserve:

Jackson Hole Symposium 177-189


“Helping Firms by Helping Employees: Work-life balance in America” (with Nick Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and Daniela Scur),

Center for American Progress

“Good Management Predicts a Firm’s Success Better than IT, R&D, or Even Employee Skills” (with Nick Bloom and Erik

Brynjolfsson), Harvard Business Review April 2017

“The importance of Structured Management Practices” (with Nick Bloom and Erik Brynjolfsson), Sloan Management Review

April 2017

“Profiting from Productivity: ensuring investment and productivity feed through to wages” in Securing a Pay Rise (2015)

Gavin Kelly and Conor D’Arcy (eds), Resolution Foundation


“An Inclusive Growth Agenda” (with Tim Besley) in Making Progressive Politics Work (2014) 54-58, London: Policy



Comments on “The Executive Compensation Controversy: A Transatlantic analysis” (2013) in Tito Boeri, Claudio Lucifora

and Kevin Murphy (eds), Executive Remuneration and employee Performance Related Pay, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 116-122


“Productivity and Management Practices” (2013), Advances in Econometrics: Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of

the Econometric Society Volume III 355-400


“Investing for Prosperity: Report of the LSE Growth Commission” (with Philippe Aghion, Tim Besley, John Browne,

Francesco Caselli, Richard Lambert, Rachel Lomax and Nick Stern), 2012, ungated


“China: Prompting Western Creativity” (with Nick Bloom and Mirko Draca), Finance and Development IMF, December

(2012), 22-25


“The Labour Market for Young People” (with Antoine Goujard and Barbara Petrongolo) in The Labour Market in Winter

(2011) by Paul Gregg and Jonathon Wadsworth (eds), Chapter 3, 39-55, Oxford: Oxford University Press


“Human Resource Management and Productivity” (with Nick Bloom), Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 4B (2011) in

Orley Ashenfelter and David Card (eds), Chapter 19 1697-1769, ungated 


Review of “The Race between Education and Technology” by Larry Katz and Claudia Goldin, Economic Journal Features

(2010) 120 (548), F505-F510, Wiley


“Do Private Equity Owned Firms have better management practices?” (with Nick Bloom and Raffaella Sadun) in Gurung, A.

and Josh Lerner (eds), Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Paper Volume 2: Global Impact of Private Equity (2009), New York: World Economic Forum, 1-23, ungated


“Interoperability and market foreclosure in the European Microsoft case” (with Kai Uwe Kuhn) in Bruce Lyons (Editor) The

Economics of European Competition Cases (2009),Chapter 2, 50-72, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ungated


“Capacity Constraints and Irreversible Investments: defending against Collective dominance in UPM Kymmene/Norske

Skog/Haindl” (with Kai Uwe Kuhn) in Bruce Lyons (Editor) The Economics of European Competition Cases (2009), Chapter 15, 383-410, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ungated


“Work-life balance, management practices and productivity” (with Nick Bloom and Toby Kretschmer) International

Differences in the Business Practice and Productivity of Firms (2009), Chapter 1, 15-54, Richard Freeman and Kathy Shaw (eds), ungated


“Be Careful what you wish for: A cautionary tale about Budget Doubling” (with Richard Freeman) in Issues in Science and

Technology (2009), XXV(1), 27-31, National Academy of Sciences


“Changes in Wage Inequality” (with Steve Machin), New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (2008), in Bruce Weinberg and

Chris Taber (eds), ungated

“Micro-econometric models of investment and employment” (with Steve Bond), Chapter 65 in Heckman, J. and Leamer. E.

(eds), Handbook of Econometrics Volume 6A (2007) 4417-4498, ungated


 “ICT and Productivity” (with Mirko Draca and Raffaella Sadun) (2007), Handbook of Information of Information and

Communication Technologies, R. Mansell, C. Avgerou, D. Quah and R. Silverstone (eds), ungated, Oxford Handbook on ICTs, Oxford University Press


“Information technology and productivity” (with Raffaella Sadun) in Dutta, S., Lopez-Claros, A. and Mia, I. (eds), Global

Information Technology Report 2005-2006, 55-60, World Economic Forum (2006), ungated


“R&D and productivity” (with Rachel Griffith and Stephen Redding), Austrian Central Bank Proceedings of Workshops, 48-

57 (2004)


“Active Labour Market Policies and the British New Deal for Youth in Context” (2004) in Blundell, R., Card, D. and Freeman,

R., Seeking a Premier Economy, ungated


“The Impact of the New Deal for Young People on the Labour Market: A Four Year Assessment” (with Richard Blundell,

Andrew Shephard, and Howard Reed) in Dickens, R., Gregg, P. and Wadsworth, J. (eds), The Labour Market Under New Labour: State of Working Britain (2003), London: Palgrave


“Unions and Innovation: A Survey of the theory and empirical evidence” (with Naercio Menezes-Filho) in Addison, J. and

Schnabel, C. (eds), The International Handbook of Trade Unions (2003) London: Edward Elgar, ungated


“Technological Innovation and Economic Performance in the United Kingdom” (with Steve Nickell) in Richard Nelson, Benn

Steil, and David Victor (eds), Innovation and Economic Performance, (2002), ungated


“The effects of technical change on skills, wages and employment: A Survey of the Micro-econometric evidence” (with

Lucy Chennells), Chapter 5 in L’Horty, Y. and Greenan, N., and Mairesse, J., Productivity, Inequality and the Digital Economy (2002) Cambridge: MIT Press 175-225, ungated


“The Effects of Tax Treatment on the changing cost of R&D: Evidence from Eight Countries” (with Nicholas Bloom, Lucy

Chennells and Rachel Griffith') in Helen Lawton-Smith (ed), The Regulation of Science and Technology (2002), 136-160 London: Palgrave, ungated 


“Innovations, Patents and Cash Flow” (with Paul Geroski and Chris Walters) in Kleinknecht, A. and Mohnen, P. (2002) 31-

55, Innovation and Firm Performance, London: Palgrave


“Technology, Jobs and Skills: Evidence from Europe” in Kjell Rubenson and Hans G. Schuetze (1999), Transition To The

Knowledge Society: Public Policies And Private Strategies. Institute of European Studies, Vancouver B.C.: University of British Columbia Press, ungated


“The Impact of Knowledge Accumulation on Wages: Evidence from a Panel of European Corporations” (with Stephen

Machin) in Alice Belcher, John Hassard and Stephen Proctor (eds), R&D Decisions, Strategy and Policy (1997), London: Routledge

“Promoting R&D through tax incentives: An assessment of the arguments” (with Rachel Griffith), Science in Parliament

(1995), Vol 52 No.1

“The Effects of Fragmented Bargaining Structures on Economic Outcomes” (with Stephen Machin and Mark Stewart) in

David Metcalf, and Simon Milner, New Perspectives on Industrial Disputes (1993) 55-69


Review of “Incomparable Worth” by Rhoads, S. in The Economic Journal (1994), 104, 424,690-91


Review of “Productivity and Growth: A Study of British Industry 1954-1986” by N. Oulton and M.O'Mahony (1996), Journal

of Economic Literature, Vol XXXIV

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