John Van Reenen
Programme on Innovation and Diffusion, LSE
Blog: Autumn statement delivered reassurance, but not vision (28 November, Research Professional News)
Blog: Autumn Statement: ‘no one will be spared the pain’ (16 November, LSE Business Review)
How ‘trickle-down economics’ backfired on Britain’s shortest-serving prime minister (25 October, CNBC)
October, LSE Business Review)
The slow decline of the United Kingdom, a cocktail beyond Brexit (in Spanish) (8 October, El Periodico de España)
Blog: The UK Economic Crisis Might Not Be a One-Off (3 October, Harvard Business Review)
Can Truss and Kwarteng pull off their growth plan? (27 September, The Week UK)
UK suffering ‘drama discount’ on business investment (27 September, Financial Times)
Blog: The shortest economic suicide note in history? How the mini-budget fails to help long-run growth (26 September,
LSE Business Review)
Tribune: The Tory Answer to Everything: Make the Rich Richer (20 September, Tribune)
Tribune: Invest and decentralize schools to make them more egalitarian (3 September, Chellenges)
Blog: What should the next UK prime minister do? (2 September, LSE Business Review)
The missing pandemic innovation boom (28 August, The Economist)
Apocalypse arrives for the ‘zombie’ companies haunting UK growth (21 August, The Telegraph)
The frontrunner to become the UK's next leader has a risky economic plan (8 August, CNN Business)
Levelling up productivity gaps in the UK (20 July, VOX EU)
Technology and the Triumph of Pessimism (28 June, The New York Times)
Soaring costs have greater impact on smaller firms (27 June, The Times)
Highlight: The productivity problem (6 June, IFS Podcast)
Is Starbucks’s Wage Increase a Shortsighted Strategy? What Experts Say (31 May, MIT Sloan Management Review)
Smaller firms report growing risk of closure (26 May, POID Press Release)
American Economic Association Announces Award Recipients for 2022 (23 May, AEA)
Improving productivity through better management practices (May 20, LSE Business Review)
It’s time to take a firmer grip on companies and competition law (April 25, The Times)
El límite de la innovación (April 8, Esglobal)
The end of invention (March 28, BBC Radio 4)
Can industrial policy restart from the ceramic district? (March 11, Gli stati generali)
Rise in 'superstar firms' pushing up wage growth inequality (March 3, Yahoo! Finance)
Misallocation explains worse management among Mexican firms (February 25, VoxEU/CEPR)
CEP in Parliament: Chancellor refers to LSE research on productivity in the UK (February 25, The Resolution Foundation)
Smaller businesses have been digitizing operations slower than larger companies. But that is changing fast (February 14,International Business Times)
Want better forecasts? Start with better management (February 2, MIT Sloan)
The Pandemic and Our Broken Social Contracts (January 21, Project Syndicate)
Great fear of inflation - A disaster (January 12, Borsen)
Boris warned further school closures would have 'permanent scarring effect' on children (January 4, Express Online)
FT economists' survey: people to feel worse-off as inflation and tax rises bite in 2022 (January 3, Financial Times)